I’ve often thought that wizards in Harry Potter would have a terrible sense of geography and oftentimes, an unhealthily low step count. By being able to instantly ‘disapparate’ anywhere in the world, would wizards understand time and distance and actually, would they even need to? If that was the case, suddenly proximity would be eliminated as a consideration in basically every decision and Zoopla’s search criteria would need to get a lot more imaginative.
I recently read about “Portl” — a company that allows you to broadcast a 3D and life size hologram of yourself anywhere in the world. An experience which is simultaneously one step closer to Harry Potter’s disapparation, and also the purveyor of a far richer experience than a zoom head and shoulders square. For me, as someone who has never gamed and was presented with a digital thesaurus instead of a gameboy, this is the first time I can start to understand the metaverse.
Despite the digital world playing such a significant part of our lives, the real world is often just easier to understand in its physicality. What we make, what we do, where we go — there is a concrete discreteness that makes it more tangible to capture, value and…